Forbes Marshall Apps

EffiMax 1.0
In Today’s competitive world with fuel pricesreaching sky levels, Industrial sectors are looking out for ways& means to increase Boiler House productivity with minimumresources. To control this cost of operation, one of the majorhindrance is the Fuel bills of the boiler.While procuring a Boiler, every user considers Boiler Efficiencyvalue (claimed by the vendor) as one of the deciding factor forfinalization of the vendor. But after installation it is assumedthat the claimed value remains constant for the lifespan of theBoiler. Unfortunately, that’s not true.Boiler Efficiency is the parameter which is ruled by Boilersurrounding parameters as much as the Boiler itself. A simpleexample would be a difference of around 0.5 – 1 % in the Efficiencyof a Boiler between the summer & winter season. This could bedue to increase in Radiation Loss, decrease in Oil temperature etc.Hence all these parameters need to be continuously monitored tomaintain the Boiler Efficiency at peak levels.Web based EffiMax - A range of on-line boiler efficiencyanalysers provides the complete solution for monitoring andmaintaining boiler to the optimum efficiency. This sophisticatedyet simple to use analyser operates on-line and continuouslymonitors boiler at every instant of its operation.The datagenerated by the system can then be used to fine-tune the system togenerate more steam with lesser quantities of fuel.During our interactions with customer after successfulinstallation of Web based EffiMax we found that in their day to dayoperation they don’t have time / need to monitor each & everyparameter of efficiency calculations every minute or hour.Having said that, they find these data very useful at the time whenthey have to troubleshoot any boiler operational issue. Thisindicates that customer has a need of a tool which will inform himjust the summary of day to day boiler operation or intervene in hisdaily job only when there are any critical issues in the boileroperation system. Currently if there are any issues / alerts in theboiler operation, customer would be educated about it only when hegoes near the local EffiMax system or else when he logs in theeffimaxonline website. Hence there is a delay in resolving theissue & the response time is higher in such cases. Loss keepson occurring until customer observes the alert. Hence instead ofcustomer coming to the EffiMax unit we feel we should providemobility to the customer & bring the EffiMax to him.This is very well achieved by a Mobile Application where onlycritical alerts will be highlighted to the customer. It alsodisplays the daily summary of the critical parameters which willhelp customer to understand the boiler operation in one quickglance.
NEO 1.0
The Forbes Marshall Neo, is designed to allowusers to familiarize themselves with all the latest nomenclature ofthe various products manufactured by the Forbes Marshall SteamSystem Division. The app also displays the old nomenclature foreach product against the latest nomenclature along with a productdescription, thus providing an efficient manner to memorize the newnomenclature.Now simply pull your phone our and get to know yournomenclature.
ProductHUB 0.0.3
The ProductHUB is a mobile based applicationthat offers details related to products. The product relateddetails, are segregated into three sections namely TIS (TechnicalInformation Sheets), Installation and Maintenance Videos andWorking Principle Videos. With a simple click of a button, userscan get access to a plethora of valuable product information attheir fingertips.
MRO Analytical 1.0
Here is an app that can help you to put yourrequirements of Analytical Instruments for On-Line Water QualityMonitoring.This app can help you to directly connect with our head office,so that your requirements can be addressed promptly.With a widespread branch network, we are approachable for anyservice or support needsSo, please fill up the details & send the form to us andwe’ll be happy to serve youYou can send your requirements for following analysers :pH Analyser, ORP Analyser, Conductivity Analyser, RatioAnalyser, Concentration Analyser, Chlorine Analyser, TurbidityAnalyser, TSS Analyser, Silica Analyser, Sodium Analyser, CODAnalyser, BOD Analyser, Dissolved Oxygen Analyser & more…The applications that can be covered include :Pre-Treated water plant, Cation Outlet, Anion Outlet, Mixed BedOutlet, Neutralised Effluent, Condensate Polishing Unit, CoolingWater, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Sewage Treatment Plant(STP)
MRO Condition Monitoring 1.0
It’s an app that can help you to put yourMRO(Maintenance Repairs Operations) requirements ofConditionMonitoring Systems (CMS). This app can help you todirectly connectwith our head office, so that your requirements canbe addressedpromptly. So, please fill up the details & send theform to usand we’ll be happy to serve you.
FMSalesapp 1.0.218
For Sales Team : For enhancing the Sales team activities, toplanbetter and also can update better.
SteamHUB 1.6
The SteamHUB is the ideal steam application tool, designed toofferyou calculations ranging right across the steam andcondensateloop. In addition, it offers useful technical data andacts a meansto connect to Forbes Marshall. Equipped with steamtables and unitconversions, SteamHUB acts as your ideal solutionprovider for allyour steam related needs. The user friendlyinterface ensures thatit is easy to navigate through the app, andmakes it perfect forsteam engineers to use on the go. ForbesMarshall prides itself onbeing an expert in the field of steam andinstrumentation.
SteamHUB 1.3
The SteamHUB is the ideal steam application tool, designed toofferyou calculations ranging right across the steam andcondensateloop. In addition, it offers useful technical data andacts a meansto connect to Forbes Marshall. Equipped with steamtables and unitconversions, SteamHUB acts as your ideal solutionprovider for allyour steam related needs. The user friendlyinterface ensures thatit is easy to navigate through the app, andmakes it perfect forsteam engineers to use on the go. ForbesMarshall prides itself onbeing an expert in the field of steam andinstrumentation.
Real Time Information - On The Go everSENSE provides the busyplantmanager or owner with up-to-date information about his planton hismobile. Any-time. Anywhere. everSENSE taps into existingplantsensors, PLC's and SCADA systems to collate the mostcriticalparameters. Through user specific permissions and theenterprisegrade security measures built into everSENSE, you canensure thatthe right users have access to the right data. Thesystem providesintelligent alerts via push notifications toidentify faultconditions and enable immediate action. You canmonitor behaviourthrough trends and alert reports. Now you don'thave to be presentto ensure that your plant runs at optimumconditions. TechnicalRequirements: everSENSE Server Wifi/3G DataConnection Contact
SteamHub 2.0 10.1
SteamHUB 2.0 offers calculations ranging right across steam &condensate loop
myFM 1.2
One FM app to configure & monitor the Forbes Marshall’sSmartProducts.